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A motor grader is a rubber-tired, hydraulically operated, single-engine machine used to shape and finish materials. As a heavy equipment operator, you need to understand how a motor grader functions and how to control the blade and other attachments to ensure that the equipment works effectively. You must be aware of hazards associated with motor graders, operate the equipment safely at all times, and know how to conduct daily inspections and preventive maintenance on the machine. You must be able to maneuver the motor grader under various conditions and perform common earthmoving activities.

  • 40 machine hours for certification
  • Students will be completing daily check lists to ensure machine is in a good and safe operating condition
  • Tasks to be preformed during operation;
    • Levelling materials
    • Finish grading
    • Preparing roadways
    • Prepare machine for road travel
  • Day begins with a preoperational inspection including fluid checks, walk around inspections, and machine warm up before operation
  • Prior to shutting down machine, ensure that the mold board and other attachments are safely set to ground level
  • Make sure to park machine on dry level ground